The mitzvah (commandment) to build a sukkah (booth, or tabernacle) demands a certain amount of physical strength and know-how in order to fulfill it, as well as familiarity with the halachot (Jewish laws) applicable. It’s a challenge every year, but especially this year, when so many of us are denied contact with extended family and friends who could provide a helping hand. That’s why this year, in advance of the festival of Sukkot (which falls between October 2 and 9 this year), the Bnei Akiva movement has come up with an innovative method of giving assistance to those in need. Bnei Akiva will be expanding its annual “Building Team” program and endeavoring to reach people all over Israel, setting up internet and telephone call centers to answer questions related to the Sukkot festival. Those needing practical assistance will be able to sign up either online or over the phone, and then they will be put in contact with local representatives of Bnei Akiva who will come and help them erect a sukkah and also dismantle it after the festival is over. Due to the strict coronavirus regulations currently in effect, Bnei Akiva is publicizing and clarifying its guidelines to all its volunteers, enabling them to abide by all the Health Ministry’s rules – particularly important as many of those requesting their assistance will likely be the elderly, who are especially vulnerable to the coronavirus. The “Building Team” program was originally established in the city of Givatayim six years ago, and was later expanded to locations across the country. It was dedicated in memory of three IDF soldiers who fell in defense of the Land and its People – Benaya Rein , who fell in the Second Lebanon War; and Benaya Sarel and Benaya Rubel, both of whom fell in the Protective Edge campaign in Gaza.