
Jewish & Israel Rights activist Rudy Rochman, The VISION movement and the HOME movement, published a new video title "Palestinians & Israelis Listen To Each Other" presenting Jewish and Arabs sitting together, talking openly about the issues of conflict in the Land of Israel.

"For roughly 100 years", Rochman writes, "the world has convinced Israelis and Palestinians that the existence of the other threatens their survival and that their liberation movements are mutually exclusive".

"In reality, there is no liberation for one without liberation for the other", he adds, "If the time invested in attacking each other’s identities, experiences, communities and aspirations, was spent on building a future for all the collective inhabitants of the land, the conflict would have long ago been resolved".

"The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is a material expression", Rochman says, "of the one that exists in the minds of both peoples and is then translated to physical suffering experienced on both sides".

"The solution must come first from healing the minds and hearts of both peoples, and building a just civilization as one that works for all".

"These dialogue sessions are important because for the last few decades, Israel's weakest and most westernized sectors have monopolized our relations with the Arab world", Rabbi Yehuda HaKohen of the Vision movement explains, "The Jews who should be engaging Palestinians are the Jews most deeply connected to our identity, homeland and national story. When Palestinians meet the Jews actually living the story of our people, it becomes easier to accept that we're not simply settler-colonizers from the West."

"Those of us interested in advancing Israel's redemption process forward need to identify the next goals of Jewish liberation", HaKohen adds, "What comes after our return to Judea and Samaria? Some of us have come to the conclusion that peace with our neighbors is one of the next stages. But peace needs to be achieved as an advancement of our redemption that strengthens our connection to our homeland and identity, not as a a retreat."