'Young Settlements' protest tent
'Young Settlements' protest tentYoung Settlements Forum

The Young Settlement Forum responded to a report according to which the Civil Administration is expected to regulate hundreds of illegal homes built by the Palestinian Authority on hundreds of dunams in Area C next week.

The prime minister continues to spit in the settlers' faces. We have to rub our eyes in disbelief - the 'right-wing leader' has apparently lost it. After trying to whitewash Bedouin construction in the Negev as part of a deal with Mansour Abbas, Netanyahu currently prefers to be a partner in the PA's takeover plan and is whitewashing the illegal Palestinian construction in Area C," the forum stated.

They added that "all this while he continues to abandon - without living proper conditions and without minimal security - the tens of thousands of residents in the young settlements whose regulation he has been delaying for months."

"Unfortunately, the defense minister, who looked us in the eye and said that he would work to provide us with the living conditions to which we are entitled, prefers to engage in petty politics and while he regulates thousands of Palestinians without blinking an eye, the regulation of the young settlements is subject to a variety of conditions. Netanyahu and Gantz. Stop these discriminatory policies. Immediately confirm the government's decision to give us life," the Young Settlements Forum concluded.

The Yesha Council also responded to the report, saying: "There is no limit to this cynicism. The defense minister and the prime minister want to legitimize the illegal Palestinian takeover of Area C in violation of political agreements, and remove from the agenda the regulation of Israeli settlements that have been built on state land."

"It turns out that the Civil Administration has the manpower and budgets to approve the Palestinian takeover of Area C, but the budget runs out when national Zionist policy needs to be promoted by regulating young settlements. This is severe and sometimes life-threatening discrimination against normal citizens who are equal in obligations to the state but are not equal in rights. Mr. Prime Minister and Mr. Defense Minister, this is a time of trial. Stop the discrimination and harm to the settlers, confirm the decision on the table to regulate the young settlements," the Yesha council added