US President-elect Joe Biden on Thursday unveiled a sweeping $1.9 trillion coronavirus rescue proposal that will bankroll $1,400 stimulus checks to most Americans and provide billions of dollars in more relief for unemployed workers, small businesses and states, The New York Daily News reports. The proposal also includes a provision to raise the federal minimum wage to $15 per hour and earmarks $160 billion to establish a national vaccination program. The $1,400 stimulus checks in Biden’s proposal are meant to top up the $600 payments issued to millions of Americans in December as part of the $908 billion stimulus signed into law by President Donald Trump. On the unemployment front, Biden wants people out of work to receive an extra $400 per week as a federal bonus on top of whatever jobless benefits they receive from their states. Economic relief for small businesses in Biden’s blueprint as well, with $15 billion in grants and nearly $200 billion in investments and low-interest loans. Some $170 billion is proposed for a variety of education initiatives, like improving remote learning modules and hiring more teachers in order to keep class sizes smaller. There are also provisions for beefed-up paid leave, food assistance and aid for cash-strapped transit agencies.