The Ever Given , the cargo ship which disrupted global shipping when it partially ran aground in the Suez Canal last week, has been successfully freed and is on the move again as of Monday afternoon, according to Leth Agencies, a service firm for the canal. The massive ship become stuck last Tuesday, blocking the canal and $9 billion in commerce each day. Global supply chains, already under strain due to the coronavirus pandemic, have been further stretched by the inability of ships to access the crucial waterway. 367 ships have been waiting for the waterway to reopen, while several dozen vessels took the longer route around the Cape of Good Hope, South Africa. Earlier Monday, the Ever Given's bow was successfully brought back afloat after nearly a week on land. Dozens of tug boats took advantage of the higher water levels which accompanied the full moon to drag the skyscraper-sized vessel back into the water. However, the attempt to fully free the ship failed, with a second attempt succeeding later in the afternoon. Authorities will now begin the process of resuming traffic through the Suez Canal.