On the eve of the 73rd Independence Day, the population of Israel was 9.327 million people, 6.894 million of whom are Jews (73.9%), 1.966 million Arabs (21.1%) and 467,000 defined as "other" (5%), according to figures published by the Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS). Since last Independence Day , the population of Israel has increased by 137,000 people (an increase of 1.5%). During this period, about 167,000 babies were born, about 16.3 thousand immigrants arrived, and about 50,000 people died. At the establishment of the State, the population of Israel numbered 806,000. Following establishment of the state, the percentage of Jews in Israel was 82.1% and the percentage of Arabs was 17.9%. A total of 3.3 million immigrants have arrived in Israel since its founding, about 1.5 million (44.7%) of whom arrived beginning in 1990, following the end of the Cold War. An additional 129.1 thousand "citizen immigrants" also immigrated to Israel since 1990. In 2030, the population of Israel is expected to number 11.1 million, in 2040 - 13.2 million, and on Israel's 100th Independence Day in 2048, the population is expected to number 15.2 million people. At the end of 2019, 46% of the total Jewish population in the world lived in Israel, about 78% of the Jews in Israel were "sabras" (Jews born of Israel). The CBS data also show that the population of Israel is a young population: about 28.1% of the population are children aged 0-14 and about 12% of the population are age 65 and over.