The new F-35s
The new F-35sIDF spokesperson

Israel's air force received three new F-35 stealth fighter jets Sunday.

The three aircraft landed at the Israel Air Force base in Nevatim Sunday, an IDF spokesperson said Sunday.

"Three new "Adir" (F-35I) aircraft touched down at Nevatim Airbase in southern Israel Sunday today. The new advanced jets will join the lines of the 116th ("Lions of the South") Squadron to strengthen the IAF's operational capabilities."

New F-35 IDF spokesperson

A total of 625 F-35 fighters of all variants are currently in service around the world, logging a total of 380,000 service hours combined.

The advanced fighter is currently being operated from 27 bases in nine different countries, with a total of 1,300 pilots and 10,380 ground team members operating and maintaining the aircraft.