Arab rioters on Monday night surrounded the hesder yeshiva in Ramle and threw rocks and cement blocks into it. The attack occurred at approximately 9:30p.m., when yeshiva students were studying in the building. As a result of the attack, several windows were smashed, and rocks entered the yeshiva building. In addition, one of the neighbors, who attempted to enter the yeshiva in order to offer help, was attacked by a barrage of rocks thrown in his direction. Miraculously, he was not injured. Rabbi Aryeh Hendler, the yeshiva's dean, said that the police were called at the very beginning of the incident, but did not arrive. "The police told us they were taking care of the incident, but in fact did not arrive," he recounted. "We were told explicitly that they are handling the event, but for a long time we did not see their presence at the scene. Only at approximately 11:00p.m. did a special unit arrive at the scene and disperse the rioters, and since then there has been quiet here." Rabbi Hendler did not go home Monday night, instead choosing to remain in the yeshiva together with his students. On Monday, Arab rioters threw rocks and other objects at a bus filled with yeshiva students. One of the rocks thrown at the yeshiva Credit: Ramle Yeshiva from the Union of Hesder Yeshivas