Dozens of people attended a demonstration on Sunday evening outside the Kirya military headquarters in Tel-Aviv calling on the government to crush the terror groups in Gaza and within Israeli society. The demonstrators, holding red umbrellas symbolizing the code red alert, decried the fact that a ceasefire was reached without the complete demilitarization of Gaza and the return of the Israelis held captive by Hamas. Demonstrators also called for a widespread operation to confiscate illegal weapons held by members of the Israeli-Arab community, to prosecute those who were involved in the recent riots that swept the country, and to criminalize organizations that took part in inciting the riots. Protest outside IDF headquarters Im Tirtzu The event was organized by Im Tirtzu, Noar Ribonut, the Choosing Life Forum of Bereaved Families, the Wounded IDF Veterans Forum, Lavi, Komemiyut, Yozma Ezrachit, Religious Zionists Youth, Lach Jerusalem, Otef Tachana Hamerkazit, and others. The demonstration was also attended by MK Orit Strock. Matan Peleg, CEO of Im Tirtzu that initiated the demonstration, said: "We are calling on the government to end this policy of 'fighting in rounds.' Israel must strive to crush Hamas, demilitarize Gaza and bring back our boys without any preconditions." Peleg continued: "Israel's Arab citizens who sided with Hamas and rioted throughout the country need to see that Israel is capable of achieving strong results and establishing deterrence. Otherwise, what happened now will pale in comparison to what will happen in the future." Lt. Col. (res.) Boaz Kokia, a member of the Choosing Life Forum of Bereaved Families, said: "Palestinian terrorism in Gaza and in Judea and Samaria must be hit 365 days a year, including the targeted killings of senior officials. Humanitarian aid should be given only if our boys are returned and if there is total peace and quiet." Kokia added: "We would like to strengthen the families of the missing boys and support the stand taken by the Goldin family: "Humanitarian aid in exchange for humanitarian aid." Liran Baroch, head of the Wounded IDF Veterans Forum, urged the government to act. "Enough with all the talk; the time has come to act. We've already seen how restraint has brought about the opposite result and only further escalated the situation. Albert Einstein defined insanity as trying to do the same thing over and over again and expecting different results, and that is exactly what is happening with the way we are handling the situation in Gaza." Chairman of the "Lach Yerushalayim" organization, Maor Tzemach, added: "It's important to understand that Israel's biggest test is the everyday war for sovereignty and governance all throughout the State of Israel. I call on the Israeli government to declare a special state of emergency in order to restore sovereignty in Lod, Ramle and eastern Jerusalem."