The United Torah Judaism faction submitted a bill today (Tuesday) to dissolve the 24th Knesset, just two months after it was sworn in and two and a half months after the election. The bill was signed by all the Knesset members of the faction, as well as the chairman of the Shas faction in the Knesset, MK Michael Malchieli. The explanatory memorandum to the proposal reads: "Despite the results of the elections to the Twenty-Fourth Knesset, which ended in a clear decision for the right, an exclusionary government was formed, headed by MK Naftali Bennett." It was further alleged that the government was formed "in violation of the explicit core election promise to his hundreds of thousands of voters, according to which he would not form a rotating government with Yesh Lapid chairman Yair Lapid and would not sit in the same government with MK Mansour Abbas, chairman of Ra'am." "In order to prevent the deception of the citizens of Israel, it is proposed to dissolve the Knesset and return the reins to the citizens of the state, in order to establish a new leadership that will ensure the future of the Jewish and democratic state in Israel," the drafters added.