A man violently ransacked Bash Kosher Pizza in Flatbush on Wednesday afternoon, walking into the Brooklyn, New York restaurant and then suddenly screaming and knocking over tables and chairs. He also threw a metal object into the cashier’s face and assaulted other people, reported 5 Towns Central . Scared customers can be seen in a video of the incident running away from the man and hiding in the restroom. Later on, a man in the restaurant throws a chair at the suspect, who turns and chases him out of the store. Outside the restaurant, the suspect assaulted a Jewish man, punching him in the head at least one time. The NYPD and Flatbush Shomrim received over a dozen calls and immediately responded, reported The Yeshiva World . According to 5 Towns Central , the suspect was held down at the scene by several people until police arrived and arrested him. In another video taken as the suspect was being held down until police arrived, he was asked by someone off camera why he vandalized Bash Kosher Pizza. He replied, “Because I can” and then when asked if he had a problem with Jewish people, he replied, “Yes.” Flatbush Hatzoloh gave medical care to the assault victim. He was only mildly injured and did not need to go to the hospital.