45 students from the Kramim school in Moshava Binyamina have become infected with the coronavirus in what officials fear is an outbreak of the Indian mutation. The school has been closed and the rest of the student body will be tested for the disease tomorrow. The Binyamina local council said today that in recent days there has been an increase in the number of verified corona infections among the children of the "Kramim" school. According to the council, "the data indicate contagion through returnees from abroad in recent days and is not due to a local outbreak," "After an emergency consultation with the Ministry of Education, it was decided that the school will not open tomorrow," the council said, clarifying that none of the school's staff members were infected. The council added that the incident is completely under control, "We are in direct contact with the verified children, the isolated, the parents and the relevant factors in the education system and the Ministry of Health." The Ministry of Health said that there was a connection between the outbreak of the coronavieus at the Kramim school in Binyamina and a family who had returned from abroad, but the source of the outbreak is still being investigated.