The IDF on Wednesday night demolished the home of Muntasser Shalabi, the terrorist who carried out the May attack in which Yehuda Guetta, 19, was murdered. Two other students were also injured in the shooting , which occurred at the Tapuah Junction. Three days after the attack, Shalbi, 44, was arrested in a building in which he was hiding in the village of Silwad. Shalabi lives in the Arab village of Turmus Aya, near Ramallah. The demolition follows the Supreme Court's rejection of the family's petition to leave their home standing despite the murder. During the demolition, violent disruptions of order erupted, with approximately 200 Palestinian Authority Arabs hurling rocks and firing explosives at the IDF soldiers, who responded using crowd control methods. Shalabi's home was slated to be demolished earlier, but the operation was delayed due to Defense Ministry concerns regarding its effects on US-Israel relations. According to Channel 13 News , the US government had asked the Defense Ministry to avoid destroying the Shalabi home, since he is an American citizen. A spokesperson for the US Embassy responded: "We are following reports that the home was demolished." "We believe it is critical for all parties to refrain from unilateral steps that exacerbate tensions and undercut efforts to advance a negotiated two-state solution. This certainly includes the punitive demolition of Palestinian homes. "As we stated numerous times, the home of an entire family should not be demolished for the actions of one individual. "Due to privacy considerations, we are unable to comment further."