Yesterday morning (Sunday), a mobile intensive care unit was dedicated at a special ceremony at the Magen David Adom station in Julis. The MICU will provide an advanced medical response to the residents of the local council and the surrounding areas and will greatly help to improve the medical response provided by Magen David Adom to the many motorists on nearby roads 70 and 85. Until now, only a standard ambulance operated at the station.
The ceremony took place in the presence of the spiritual leader of the Druze community, Sheikh Mowafaq Tarif, the mobile donor Mr. Mounhal Hamoud who is the the owner of the Merkaza chain, Director of Security and Minorities at the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews, Mr. Safwan Mreeh, the head of the Julis Council, Adv. Wissam Nabwani, MDA Director General Eli Bin and CEO of the MDA Friends Society in Israel, Ms. Orly Ariel. The new MICU, which will operate seven days a week, was donated by Mounhal Hamoud, a resident of Yarka and owner of the Merkaza chain through MDA Friends Society in Israel and will be jointly funded by Magen David Adom and the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews which for many years has been helping to strengthen the resilience of Magen David Adom for the benefit of the security and health of the residents of the State of Israel by donating ambulances and vehicles for intensive care and donating hundreds of defibrillators deployed in public places and synagogues.
The dedication of the new intensive care unit was made possible thanks to the process of improving MDA's services and the cooperation with the council, the donor Mr. Mounhal Hamoud and the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews that will help finance the operation of the mobile for the next 5 years. This will help the treatment of complex and complicated emergencies and will help shorten the arrival times of MDA staff in case of a medical emergency.
Over 130 employees and volunteers, of which about 70 are youth volunteers who staff the MDA station in Julis. About 150 residents of the council have been certified as Life Guardians, including doctors, nurses and other residents and the residents of the surrounding localities. The station is characterized by the unique humanitarian activities for the residents of the area, such as collecting and distributing food for the Feast of Sacrifice, assisting MDA blood services in holding blood drives days and information days in schools. For the past year and a half, MDA volunteers in Julis have activated the corona Drive and Test at the MDA complexes in the council and residents' homes and led the vaccination campaign during which thousands of residents, including youths, were vaccinated.
MDA volunteer Lubna Kwas is the daughter of the late Suleiman Kwas, a resident of Julis who was an ambulance driver and killed in a car accident in 1984. She spoke on behalf of the family: "We have taken on the important task of training life-saving teams here in the locality, to continue Dad's path. I stand here today and my head is raised thanks to the fact that I grew up on life-saving values in Dad's way. All this would not have happened without the community leader, MDA Director General, The International Fellowship of Christians and Jews, the head of the council and the council members for their unceasing support. I thank everyone from the bottom of my heart. "
The head of the Julis Council, Adv. Wissam Nabwani: "I undertook to improve the quality of the relationship with MDA with wonderful cooperation. I strengthen the hands of MDA and thank you for the endless assistance for the life-saving value. More than 50 volunteers are available in the locality to provide life-saving services to MDA - all the respect to all the volunteers and employees, without whom this would not have happened."
Owner of the Merkaza chain Mounhal Hamoud who donated the MICU: "I stand here today excited and happy. It is a great honor for me to be a part of this important initiative. I wish good luck to everyone and thank the partners wholeheartedly. We will continue to help all the residents of Julis wholeheartedly."
Director of Security and Minorities at the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews, Mr. Safwan Mreeh: "I want to thank MDA, our partners for many years. I'm sure we will continue to save lives together in the future. I thank the council and the dignitaries who are here, without them it would not have happened. We are here because this place deserves a station and there is a home here that knows how to work professionally to save lives. "
The spiritual leader of the Druze community, Sheikh Mowafaq Tarif: "Almost every day the residents need an MICU. The launch of the MICU is important and it will help the sacred system of helping others. MDA has long become synonymous with donating, giving and helping others - for every person. Together with our partners along the way, they fill in the gaps for the benefit of the resident. Thank you and appreciation to MDA, for their life-saving actions for the public. Thank you to MDA Director General Eli Bin, for your exciting contribution to Julis. Thank to all the employees and volunteers of the organization and to the many groups that assisted in the donation - The International Fellowship of Christians and Jews, the donor Mr. Mounhal Hamoud and of course to the dear family of the late Suleiman who helped establish the station in his memory. "
MDA Director General, Eli Bin: "I thank Mr. Mounhal Hamoud for his generous donation and thank the head of the council, Mr. Wissam Nabwani, and the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews for the many years of cooperation that led to the stationing of the first intensive care unit in a Druze community in the Galilee, which will help save lives."
The round of speeches was closed by Samir Hamoud, the son of MounhalHamoud and the Deputy CEO of Merkaza, who moved everyone present when he addressed his father in a personal and excited tone: "We thank you for the privilege of experiencing such special moments with you, we all hope that the new intensive care unit will provide a therapeutic and medical solution for every person who will need and be informed of the good news of saving a life and creating a new life. I wish above all that this is complete medicine for all patients, health and longevity for all. "