For the first time in his life, Jonathan Pollard, together with his wife Esther Pollard, visited Rachel's Tomb, near the city of Bethlehem, on Wednesday. The worshipers and soldiers who were present at the site came to greet Jonathan Pollard with the blessing "Baruch Matir Asurim" (blessed is the one who frees the captive). Pollard was moved as he embraced the IDF soldiers. Esther Pollard, who has visited Rachel's Tomb many times over the years where she prayed for her husband's release from prison, felt that she came full circle with Wednesday’s visit to the site. Rebbetzin Miriam Adani, director of the Rachel Tomb Heritage Foundation, greeted the Pollards with the blessing “Veshavu Banim Ligvulam” (and your children shall return to their borders) and presented them with a work of art she had painted herself - a painting of Rachel's Tomb showing Rachel Imenu's waiting for her sons. Related articles: Are there diplomatic solutions to Egypt’s actions in Sinai? Egypt’s new threat to Israel’s air dominance Defeating The Turkish Naval Threat The principles of a new National Security Doctrine