Yesha Council CEO Yigal Dilmoni on Sunday attended the Besheva newspaper's Jerusalem Conference and protested the fact that the Planning Council, which approves building plans in Judea and Samaria, has not convened for more than eight months. "I quote a statement made by the CEO of the Yesha Council 10 years ago - construction is a test of the Prime Minister's leadership. Will he turn Israel into an American satellite state, or will he remain a proud and independent head of state? Continuing the freeze means suffocation.” “Strengthening the settlement is a top interest of the State of Israel - not a personal problem of the settlers. If God forbid the freeze is not thawed, we see it as crossing a red line. We will use all means at our disposal to prevent such a disaster.” "This is what the CEO of the Yesha Council, Naftali Bennett, said to Prime Minister Netanyahu in the past - and this is what the current CEO of the council says to Prime Minister Naftali Bennett," concluded Dilmoni.