A mass brawl between two families from the southern Israeli Bedouin town of Rahat broke out on Sunday evening outside Soroka Hospital in Be'er Sheva. Two of the participants in the brawl were injured and live ammunition was fired. Police have so far arrested 19 suspects involved in the brawl, while the hospital has been closed and has moved to operate on an emergency basis. A statement from the Israel Police said, "Many police forces are working to establish order in the brawl at Soroka Hospital." The commander of the Be'er Sheva District of the Police, Lt. Col. Tiran Yehud, said, "Tonight, around 7:40 p.m., a report was received from Soroka Hospital about a fight with casualties. Many police forces rushed to the scene. While they were investigating the brawl, another brawl was reported during which a gun was used." "In activity involving the Yassam, suspects were arrested over involvement in the brawl and disorderly conduct. We treat an incident of violence at the hospital severely and this is how the investigation will be conducted," he added.