Former MK and Temple Mount activist Yehuda Glick participated in the Knesset Education Committee's discussion on the place of the Temple Mount in Israel's education system. "Just as every child who leaves the education system knows who Moshe Rabbeinu is, who Herzl is and who Ben Gurion is, everyone should know that the Temple Mount is the holiest place and the center around which Judaism revolves. The question is whether there is a will. When Gideon Sa'ar was the Education Minister and wanted them to visit the Cave of the Patriarchs, it happened. The education minister should take this and apply it as a central value in every school and bring students to visit the Temple Mount," Glick said in an interview with Arutz Sheva. "Those who have a psychological, religious, national, political or halakhic problem, we won't force it on anyone. The education system should offer the ascent to the Temple Mount and it does not exist today," he said. "The discussion I attended was not about sovereignty or worship but about consciousness. We as Jews should make it clear that this is our center and the desire of the Jewish people and therefore every student, soldier and citizen must visit there. The Education Minister should recommend it and every parent should decide for his child. "We have failed educationally because we have taken that value out of its place and must return it to the place it deserves," Glick concluded