A letter that was claimed to have been written by a survivor of the massacre at the October 7th Supernova Music Festival before he took his own life was found to be fake, Channel 13's Hazinor program revealed on Wednesday.
The forged suicide note, which was supposedly published by the survivor's family and has been making its rounds on social media of late, describes the events of that horrible day through the eyes of who was now found to be a fictitious survivor, including the murder of friends and the rape of a girl who was hiding near him.
The fake letter describes how the fictitious victim is haunted by the rape victim and because of that decided to commit suicide. "I have reached rock bottom, I can't live anymore. Your look follows me every single day - in the shower, in my sleep, in my room. I couldn't go back to work, I wasn't able to," the letter states.
While events similar to the ones described in the letter may have indeed occurred, the letter itself was found to be fake. Hazinor editor Adam Shafir wrote: "A story that was making its rounds in recent days about a Nova survivor who saw horrors and committed suicide left no dry eyes. After an attempt to reach the family, to tell their story, the search turned into an investigation. This evening we will reveal on Hazinor that it's a total fake."
The forged letter was shared across social media. One prominent pro-Israel blogger translated the letter and posted it to X. His post received 5.7 million views and was shared 9.4 thousand times.
It should be noted that many Hamas supporters often use stories that were proven fake such as this to support their claims that Israel is lying about the extent of the horrors of the Hamas massacre on October 7th.
Shafir commented on the forgery: "It's unclear what brings people to make things up like that - but to cheapen the true distress of the survivors and to play with the emotions of others is just abominable."