Rabbi Shalom Arush
Rabbi Shalom Arushצילום: Rabbi Shalom Arush

The Tzaddik Rabbi Shalom Arush on the special Segulah of the challah and wine of Rabbi Hanina ben Dosa:

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Who among us does not need miracles? Do you feel you need a miracle in a specific area? It is said that the Tanna Rabbi Hanina ben Dosa and his wife were experienced in miracles—nature did not affect them!

The Kadosh Baal Shem Tov teaches that Rabbi Hanina is the pathway to miracles in this world! Rabbi Hanina's great power of miracles is especially present on Erev Shabbos. Therefore, anyone who performs the rare Segulah by sending challah and wine each week to a needy family for Shabbos, through the institutions of Rabbi Hanina ben Dosa, B"H, will be prayed for.

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The Segulah of a miracle beyond the natural order is 119 NIS per month, without credit limit, and every week, challah and wine will be sent in your name to a needy family in honor of the Tanna.

All names will be included in prayers at the Tziun of the Tanna on Thursday at midnight, a well-known time that is favorable for miracles beyond the natural order! Donate now to provide challah and wine for needy families for Shabbos, and you will be included in the prayers for miracles.

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