Rafi Milo during the visit
Rafi Milo during the visitIDF spokesperson

The Commanding Officer of the Home Front Command, MG Rafi Milo, recently met with heads of local authorities in the north, including Haifa, Tirat Carmel, the Jezreel Valley Regional Council, and Daliyat al-Karmel.

During the meetings, they discussed the current situation and preparations for the future, emphasizing the importance of continuous communication with the civilian sector to enhance emergency preparedness of the authorities.

Additionally, MG Milo visited the underground center at the Rambam Hospital, along with the hospital director, Professor Michael Halberthal, and the head of the Home Front Command’s medical department, COL Dr. Liron Gershovitz, to strengthen medical and operational preparedness for various emergency scenarios.

During the meeting, Milo said, "We have set a very, very clear goal. We want to change the security reality in the north fundamentally, so that we can bring the residents back home with security, with a sense of security, and truly change the security situation. This week we are in a very significant offensive effort, with strikes that are taking away a lot of his capabilities and resources."

"This cooperation with the municipality, as well as with emergency organizations, the Israel Police, the Israel Fire and Rescue Services, and Magen David Adom, is a force multiplier and really enables us to respond to any incident very, very quickly. I think the additional thing I will say is that the component that completes all this preparedness is the citizens themselves.

"In the end, the discipline of the citizens and their adherence to the instructions, and the fact that they have behaved in an exemplarily manner since the beginning of the war, and we are seeing it now in recent events."