Accelerate web application development with Django

Did you know that Django can reduce web development time by up to 50%? Speed of development is crucial, and not just because time saves money.

Web Application Development
Web Application Developmentצילום: iStock

Modern technology and open information suggest that it should take no more than six months from idea to implementation for a business to be successful. Otherwise, your idea might be implemented faster by your competitors. Traditional web development tools, like PHP using the Laravel Framework or Java using the Spring Framework, offer solutions that often exceed this time limit — ranging from six to twelve months. Want to cut that time in half? Meet Django — a high-level web framework based on Python — which, thanks to a variety of built-in tools, allows you to quickly move from discussing an idea to realizing it. The estimated time — three to six months — already includes the development, testing, and launch of Django websites.

Because Django is primarily used to develop web applications, and therefore requires less time and money, this method is better suited for startups in e-commerce, financial services, media and entertainment, and tourism and hospitality — the list is not exhaustive. Moreover, Django allows you to create SaaS applications that use Django as a backend for mobile and PC applications, providing APIs to interact with front-ends written in other technologies. Alternatively, frameworks like Flask can be used, but Django wins by providing out-of-the-box solutions to complex problems. “Build fast, learn fast" is a basic strategy in the startup world. Here we talk about how Django is changing the development paradigm. We also provide step-by-step instructions on how to start a Django project, assisting even beginners to believe they can do it.

How Django simplifies the process of building complex web applications

Django's features are designed to efficiently address common web development challenges — the complexity and time required to customize and configure an application. Here's a key Django toolkit that simplifies the process:

  1. The great thing about Django is the ability to quickly set up a project and integrate configurations. This is aided by:
  2. An authentication system that verifies that a user is who they say they are by checking credentials (such as username and password); and determines what actions a user is allowed to perform — their privileges;
  3. Admin Panel is a user-friendly interface that allows administrators to create, view, update, and delete database records, as well as manage users and edit their access rights.
  4. ORM (object-relational mapping), which simplifies interaction with the database.
  5. Another major advantage of Django is its ability to simplify routine tasks. It's about the fact that this framework is able to automate repetitive processes such as URL routing, feedback form processing, and database management. Freed from these chores, developers can focus on building and testing application functionality.

Django project example — a student management site:

  • Authentication: Users (teachers and administrators) have their credentials verified. Teachers can only view students, administrators can only edit data and manage permissions.
  • Admin Panel: Administrators use an interface to manage students and users.
  • ORM: Student models are defined as Python classes that automatically create tables in the database.

Python code example:

from django.db import models

class Student(models.Model):

name = models.CharField(max_length=100)

birth_date = models.DateField()

grade = models.IntegerField()

Result: the teacher sees a table with the data, the administrator can edit it through the dashboard.

  1. Finally, the security aspect — here are the best practices. Django has built-in protection against common threats like SQL injection and XSS (Cross-Site Scripting). This will automatically escape data entered by users — thus protecting the project from the hypothetical possibility of malicious scripts being injected. This framework also uses CSRF tokens to protect forms from request forgery.

Thus, Django covers all aspects of web application development and provides a complete structure for a web project, which saves time at the planning stage, SECL Group experts are convinced. Most often, the company's consultants are approached with this objection: "Too many “default” settings — where is the flexibility?" But Django is flexible if you need additional customization. For example, the basic settings are set by default, as the toolkit and already built-in libraries allow you to create efficient and secure web applications even for beginners in development.

Another issue is that Django's ORM can be restrictive. Granted, Django's security tools may not cover all extreme cases, but these are exceptions, such as disabling CSRF protection, which can create vulnerabilities. However, by only doing so when you are completely confident that alternative measures are secure, the project remains robust. More on Security in Django.

How does Django help get a web product or service to market quickly?

Let's continue with the example above. Suppose you need to develop a website for student management, as education is one of the most popular topics today. Key features of the Django web application:

  • Built-in ORM: Pre-built templates and default settings allow you to quickly create models for students, courses, and instructors.
  • Built-in admin panel: Imagine being able to manage data without writing code — that's Django. A site administrator, rather than a developer, can easily add and edit roles, permissions, and other user information. However, changing the profile design of each individual student, for example, may require developer intervention due to the significant interface customization required.
  • Authentication system: Django provides a batch solution for identifying and authorizing users based on their role-moderators, instructors, students, others.
  • Scalability: This framework lets your web project grow with the number of users or features. You have caching and other optimizations on your side that keep your resource performing well no matter how large it is.
  • The extensive documentation & Django support community will help you quickly find solutions and best practices to speed up your development process.
    • Make sure you have Python and Django installed.
    • Create a virtual environment to isolate project dependencies.
    • Use the command django-admin startproject to create a project.
    • Create a student management application using python startup app.
    • Define models for students, courses, and teachers in a file
    • Perform migrations to create tables in the database.
    • Register models with admin.pyto manage data through the admin panel.
    • Set up an admin panel for easy management of students and courses.
    • Enable CSRF protection and configure the authentication system.
    • Use HTTPS to encrypt data.
    • Set up a server (for example, using Gunicorn and Nginx).
    • Move the database to the production server and perform the migrations.

With the right approach, anyone can launch a successful web application using Django. In practice, the algorithm for launching a student management website is as follows — a step-by-step guide:


  1. Tune: Install Django and set up your development environment.
  2. Project initialization: Create your Django project and application.
  3. Database configuration: Set up your database and models.
  4. Administrator interface: Customize Django administration to suit your needs.
  5. Security measures: Implement Django security features.
  6. Deployment: Deploy the application to the production server.

By following these steps, you'll be able to use Django's features to efficiently build and run your web application. If you encounter any difficulties, consider seeking help. Contacting professionals such as SECL Group in a timely manner can significantly speed up the development process and improve the quality of your web application.

Bottom line

How do you like this perspective. In Byte Scrum's experience, the time it takes to develop and launch a web application in Django, although it can vary depending on the complexity of the project and the experience of the team, but on average, it can take anywhere from a few days to a few weeks to build a basic web application?

Speed, scalability, and security are advantages that make Django an ideal choice for startups and enterprises looking to get a product to market quickly. Helped along by built-in tools like ORM, authentication, and an admin panel that automate routine tasks, developers can focus on what really matters — functionality. Despite the basic "out-of-the-box" settings, Django is flexible and allows you to customize your project to meet your specific needs, whether it's integrating with APIs or other systems as a backend, up to supporting mobile apps. This not only reduces costs, but also ensures security and scalability, making it a solid solution for building your business project with web applications.

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