Syrian President Bashar al-Assad is to visit Iran this weekend, even as Syrian and Israeli negotiators are slated to continue talks in mid-August. Al-Assad's visit answers the Israeli demand that Syria choose between Iran and peace. In meetings with Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Assad will be discussing bilateral, regional and global On the agenda will be Iran's nuclear aspirations and its confrontation with the West. matters. Among the issues on the agenda will be Iran's nuclear aspirations and its confrontation with the West, Syrian talks with Israel, and the situations in Lebanon and Iraq. Official Iranian sources said Ahmadinejad is looking forward to meeting Assad and furthering relations with Syria. He will greet the Syrian dictator in Tehran upon the the latter's arrival on Saturday. In addition to Ahmadinejad, Assad is scheduled to meet with Iranian Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki and other senior officials of the Islamic Republic during the two-day visit. The talks come on the heels of Tehran hosting a gathering of the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM), at which Ahmadinejad received support for Iran's nuclear program, and ahead of French President Nicolas Sarkozy's September visit to Damascus. The London-based al-Hayat newspaper reported that Assad and Ahmadinejad will be coordinating the message Assad will convey to Sarkozy on Iran. Ali Larijani, Speaker of the Iranian Legislative Council, the Majlis, told Syrian Foreign Minister Walid Mualem on Tuesday that Iran and Syria both play important roles in thwarting ongoing threats to the Muslim world. Therefore, he called for expanding bilateral cooperation and coordination in light of current regional and global conditions. The Syrian Foreign Minister, who was in Tehran for the NAM meeting, concurred and added that such an alliance, expressed in international organizations and conferences, will serve the wider interests of the rest of the Middle East. Laying the groundwork for al-Assad's visit, Mualem met with Ahmadinejad, Mottaki and Larijani over the past few days. Syria Chooses Iran Assad's upcoming visit to Iran may be seen as a direct reply to Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert's statement this week that Syria must choose between maintaining its relationship with Iran and peaceful international relations. Speaking at the National Defense College graduation ceremony in Jerusalem on Tuesday, Olmert said, "The peace negotiations depend on Syria. There is no place solely for overtures, but there must also be action. Syria must decide between Iran, the axis of evil and international isolation, and between peace and prosperity." " if Syria asked Israel to break off relations with the United States." However, he confimed, Israel "is continuing with the negotiations in good faith, with the intent of giving Syria a genuine alternative, so that it may make the right decision." In a statement, al-Assad said that Israel's ultimatum is "as if Syria asked Israel to break off relations with the United States." Since May, Israeli and Syrian negotiators have been conducting indirect talks, brokered by Turkey. The latest of four such meetings concluded in Istanbul on Wednesday, with a fifth session scheduled for mid-August. Neither al-Assad's upcoming visit to Iran, nor the recent mutual Syrian and Iranian declarations of coordination have, as yet, changed those plans. In fact, a sixth round of Israel-Syria indirect talks is slated for September.