As Kadima party members are electing the next party leader Wednesday who will probably take over as prime minister, the national party headquarters, located in the city of Petach Tikvah, are filled with action. Kadima activists call their friends, co-workers and family members, and attempt to convince them to vote for Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni or Transportation Minister Shaul Mofaz. Can't see player? Click here . "Mofaz is security-oriented,” said a supporter of Shaul Mofaz. "He's a man of his word. He promised to stay in the Likud, but he followed his heart," he added. "Livni is the only one who can let the government continue as it is," argued an active Livni supporter. "Each one has a positive attribute, but Tzipi has it all," he declared. A supporter of Interior Minister Meir Sheetrit, who has no chance of winning according to the polls, said, "Sheetrit was the first, and he has the best record of all of the candidates," he stated enthusiastically. At large, most of the claims heard in the hall were regarding the candidates' chances to keep the government alive. And so, as the main issue is survival, and not leadership characteristics, many question how long the current government – with a new leader – will stay intact. The head of the Petach Tikva Tzipi Livni staff said that today there is no ideology in politics. “Today people cross sides back and forth - it all depends on the current situation. There is no ideology. It's all about personal interests. We long for leaders like we used to have - Rabin, Begin and others - who could lead the entire nation and not just small parts of society" The Meir Sheetrit supporter had interesting feelings about his own party – his statements seemed more suitable for an anti-Kadima activist: "I must tell you – all the Kadima people betrayed and created their own party –this is what happened… (Former Prime Minister) Arik Sharon caused it all… anyone who took part in the disengagement from Gaza they are losing now – I hope Livni looses. They will eventually all come back to the Likud party… you'll see…"