Sderot children run for shelter
Sderot children run for shelterFlash 90

Gaza terrorists responded to the United Nations Security Council's call for an immediate ceasefire early Friday morning with a renewed barrage of rocket fire directed at southern Israel.

A Grad rocket exploded in the port city of Ashdod shortly after 12:00 noon, landing in an open area and causing no damage but sending a number of people into emotional trauma.

Three short-range Kassam rockets slammed into different sites around the Sha'ar HaNegev region at approximately 11:30 a.m. as well. All landed in open areas, causing no injuries or damage.

Another three rockets, long-range Grad-type Katyusha missiles, hit Be'er Sheva at approximately 10:00 a.m. The rockets hit open areas and did not cause injuries or damage.

At around 9:00 a.m., the coastal city of Ashkelon was targeted. Three rockets exploded in various sites around the city, but there were no reports of injuries or damage.

An hour earlier, at least one rocket landed in an open area in the port city of Ashdod after Color Red air raid sirens activated there and in Ashkelon as well.  No reports of injuries or damage in either location. 

Two short-range Kassam rockets exploded in the Eshkol region, also before 9:00 a.m. One of the rockets struck an apartment building, causing severe damage to the structure. At least one civilian was lightly injured in the attack, and a number of others suffered from severe emotional trauma.  The other rocket landed in an open area, causing no injuries or damage.

At least 30 missiles have been fired at Israel since 7:00 a.m., when the now-familiar daily routine of rocket fire began with four long-range Grad missiles aimed at Be'er Sheva, the "capital of the Negev." Residents had about 45 seconds' warning of the attack, thanks to the blaring Color Red siren that wailed through the city and was broadcast over the radio.

Overnight, a false alarm was generated in Be'er Sheva by a malfunction in the Color Red incoming missile alert system, a problem which has plagued the system in that city since the beginning of Operation Cast Lead. A number of residents have complained repeatedly about the system, and several suffered anxiety attacks as a result of the overnight alarm.

More than 450 short- and long-range missiles have been fired at Jewish, Arab and Christian civilians in southern Israel by Gaza terrorists since the Gaza War began.

The Home Front Command has advised Sabbath worshipers in synagogues in southern Israel to stand away from windows when they pray and to leave their radio receivers tuned a "quiet radio station" that announces warnings of incoming rocket attacks, but is silent the rest of the time. It also asked that at least one person in the synagogue carry a cell phone so that emergency help can be summoned in case of an attack.