Israel Is Our Home (Yisrael Beiteinu), headed by Russian immigrant Knesset Member Avigdor Lieberman, is tied with Labor as the third largest party in the next Knesset, according to the latest polls. Labor's momentum may have peaked with the conclusion of Operation Cast Lead, which is credited for boosting the popularity of Defense Minister Ehud Barak, who heads the party. An aggregate of current polls. Yisrael Beiteinu has enjoyed a steadily growing popularity as it reaches beyond the Russian immigrant sector and appeals to largely secular Israelis with a clear-cut platform against what it considers a growing Arab threat from within Israel. A poll published Friday by Ma'ariv leaves the Likud in the lead with 28 seats, compared with 24 for Kadima and 16 each for Labor and Yisrael Beiteinu. A poll in Yediot Acharonot yields approximately the same results with the exception of Yisrael Beiteinu, which is projected to win 14 mandates. All of this week's polls give Likud a clear lead of between four and 10 seats over Kadima, which has been unable to show any progress since the beginning of the campaign. Next in line is Shas, the Sephardic hareidi-religious party, which according to the surveys will win 9-10 seats. However, Shas often has achieved results better then projected in the polls. It has 12 seats in the present Knesset. Meretz and United Torah Judaism (UTJ) have maintained support projecting five or six seats. Attention is being focused on the national religious camp, which has split with the creation of the Jewish Home party and amalgamation of National Union with MK Aryeh Eldad's HaTikva faction and the Yisrael Shelanu faction. The Yediot poll gives National Union three seats and the Jewish Home two. The Pensioners and Green parties will not enter the Knesset, according to the polls. See more elections coverage on the Israel National News Elections page .