On October 31, 2008, a contingent of Yassam special police tore down the farm belonging to the Federman family in Hevron. The surprise raid took place at 1:30 a.m. Federman was arrested and taken away, leaving his wife and nine children at home. Police then forced the door open and forcibly evicted the Federmans, including children in pajamas.

Federman has managed to get hold of a video that was filmed when he was already under arrest. The video, made public for the first time, shows the brutal break-in. Policemen dragged away Elisheva Federman and her sons and daughters and destroyed the home.

The Magistrates and District Courts severely criticized the police for the raid. Federman tried to lodge a complaint with the Department for Investigation of Police Officers, but he says the department refused to begin an investigation.

He has shown the video to Science Minister Daniel Hershkowitz (Jewish Home), who also intends to complain to the Department for Investigation of Police Officers.