Seventy rabbis have signed a letter of protest over a violent incident Monday in which Yassam special police beat Rabbi Yehoshua Schmidt of Shavei Shomron, in Samaria. Another letter was sent by the Hesder Yeshiva Federation to the Ministry of Defense, demanding an investigation. The rabbis' letter bore the heading: "Woe is Us, for the Shaming of the Torah." "We cannot even begin to imagine that the emissaries of the government in the State of Israel would behave so wildly and brutally toward a rabbi and wise scholar," they protested. "We remember such acts only from dark regimes, haters of Israel that have passed from this world." Rabbi Schmidt, 43, is the Rosh Yeshiva (head) of the Hesder Yeshiva in the community, and is also the Rabbi of the town of Shavei Shomron. According to the rabbi's wife, Ofra, some 200 policemen arrived at the community Monday with bulldozers to demolish four structures that were being built, allegedly in contravention of the current freeze order on construction by Jews in Judea and Samaria. The bulldozers drove through the yeshiva compound, which adjoins some of the property that was razed. The rabbi instructed some twenty yeshiva students who were present not to confront the police. On their way back from the demolitions, she said, the destruction crews wanted to pass through the yeshiva grounds once again, although there was an alternate route. This time, the rabbi parked his vehicle in a way that blocked the bulldozers' way and asked them not to pass through the yeshiva compound, which is private property. Upon hearing this the police beat the rabbi, knocked him down and continued to beat him severely when he was on the ground. He did not require medical attention, she said, but expressed horror at the fact that Jewish police would beat a rabbi, even after being told that he was a rabbi.