Bin Laden widow Amal Ahmad Al Sada is expected to return to Yemen "in the coming days," Gulf News reports. Amal, the widow of al Qaeda mastermind Osama Bin Laden, who was killed in early May by US Navy Seals, is "waiting for traveling papers and arrangements to be totally completed," her brother Zakaria Al Sada told reporters. "We are in continuous contact with the Pakistani embassy in San'a and the Yemeni Embassy in Pakistan. And the promises we were given so far is that they will be coming back soon. I don't have an exact time, but it is within the coming days, G-d willing," he added. "Now, I believe it is an issue of finalizing their traveling arrangements," Zakaria said. After the targeted killing of Bin Laden, Pakistani authorities took into custody Amal and two other widows of Bin Laden, Saudis Khairiah Sabar and Siham Sabar, as a 'precautionary measure' while conducting further investigations into their presence in the county, along with Bin Laden's. Pakistani security officials have, according to press reports, allowed US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) personnel to interrogate Amal and the two Saudi widows over the past several weeks . Amal Al Sada, also known as Amal Ahmed Abdul Fattah, was shot in the leg during US raid on Bin Laden's compound in the Pakistani town of Abbottabad on May 2. Reports immediately following the raid indicated Bin Laden attempted to use Amal as a human shield when Navy SEALs burst into the room to kill him. Zakaria said neither he, nor any other member of her family, has been able to speak to Amal since September 11, 2001. "Our Ambassador [in Pakistan] has already visited her because she is a Yemeni citizen," Zakaria said. "From what we were told, she has recovered from her injuries. But we are worried about her psychological status and the conditions of her children," he added. Zakaria said the family knows of the existence of only one child of Amal from Bin Laden: 11-year-old Safia, who Arab press has reported was an eye witness to her father's targeted killing. However, the Yemeni ambassador said after visiting Amal that she has five children with her -- three girls and two boys. Amal was married to Bin Laden in 2000 by way of power of attorney bestowed on one of Amal's relatives. She was 19 years old at the time, less than half of Bin Laden's age. "Osama was not the same person talked about in the media after the 9/11 attacks," Zakaria said. "He was a normal person, who was well-educated religiously." Bin Laden, already well known for his association with the Mujahadeen in Afganistan, subsequently became the most wanted man on Earth for ordering the mass murder of thousands of people in the September 11, 2001 terror attacks on the Pentagon and World Trade Center.