A special surprise awaited the Jews of Kharkov who gathered on Purim for a festive circus, organized by the local Chabad community led by Rabbi Moshe Moskovich.
Cantor Yitzhak Halfon stepped onto the circus ring, followed by twelve boys in black suits, black hats and white gloves.
Halfon and the boys, known as the Kharkov Boys Choir, surprised the crowd with a unique concert of familiar Jewish songs. Already at the beginning of the first song the boys received a round of applause, and no one was able to remain indifferent to the performance. The boys, for whom it was their debut performance, showed flair and precision.
The performance caused the older viewers to feel like they had gone back in time to the days of the Jewish Theatre of the Soviet period, while the younger viewers were connected to the modern rhythm, full of enthusiasm and energy, of the music.
After the performance, Cantor Halfon said, “Our goal is to bring the good old Jewish melody to our time without taking away from its sanctity.” He added that working with the children gave him great pleasure and filled him with renewed strength.