The grave of former defense minister Moshe Dayan was defaced before dawn Tuesday. Vandals, whose identity is not known, entered the cemetery at Nahalal, in the Galilee, and used red paint and black spray paint to deface the tomb. They wrote: "The Minister of the Failure – in the name of the fallen." "The Failure" – "hamechdal" in Hebrew – is a term that is widely used to refer to Israel's misjudgment of Egypt's and Syria's intentions on the eve of the war, which broke out on October 6, 1973, catching Israel off guard. About 2,500 IDF soldiers were killed. Migdal Ha'emek police are investigating the vandalism. Yael Dayan, a former Labor MK and Moshe Dayan's daughter, told IDF Radio Tuesday that antagonism to her father surfaces every year in October. "I am very saddened by the fact that this is the case, so many years later," she said. "It must be only a few people. Always in October, which is the anniversary of the Yom Kippur War, and also the date of father's death, it brings out the less beautiful things and the uglier things." "I imagine that it will not end," she said. "Those who were hurt and took it personally, that my father was to blame for something, will not stop." She expressed her hope that the vandals would be located, but added: "There were some who said it was too bad that he died because they would have murdered him if he was alive."