An Israeli resident of the town of Nokdim in Gush Etzion was indicted Monday for shooting at a group of Arabs who attacked him with a barrage of stones. As a result of the incident, one of the Arab rioters was hit in the head by a bullet, and today suffers from permanent brain damage.
The incident occurred in April 2007, as the Israeli, currently 43 years old was driving on the Efrat-Nokdim road. He was ambushed by a mob of Arab teenage rioters who threw large stones and bricks at his vehicle. The Israeli stopped his vehicle and exited it, and drew his weapon, which he had a license for. The Israeli shot in the air over the heads of the youths, who were throwing stones from a hilltop next to the road.
In response to the Israeli's shots, the Arabs began scattering in all directions, scrambling to get to a nearby Arab village. One of them, 14 years old at the time, was apparently hit by one of the shots fired by the Israeli. He sustained serious head injuries, and today suffers from permanent brain damage.
The youth was treated for his wounds, and filed a complaint with police, who detained the Israeli. After five years, police decided to move forward with the case, and convinced the Jerusalem District Court to indict the Israeli. The Israeli is being charged with aggravated assault, and could serve as many as ten years in prison if convicted.