Negotiating teams for Bayit Yehudi and Likud / Yisrael Beytenu are set to meet Friday morning for talks that may or may not signal the beginning of a rapprochement between the parties. Despite being close ideologically, both sides have thus far been playing tough political poker, and reported bad blood between the leaders has been preventing progress in coalition talks, with each side threatening the other. Bayit Yehudi says it is not afraid of heading toward new elections, while Likud is threatening the formation of a coalition with left-wing Labor . "Bayit Yehudi wants to be the coalition," says Bayit Yehudi insider Jeremy Saltan. "It is not clear that Likud Beitenu wants Bayit Yehudi in the coalition ". Saltan, who served as the English Speaking Campaign Manager for the 2013 campaign, tells Arutz Sheva , in the sound track to the Youtube video above, that Bayit Yehudi is looking for answers on budget and government policy guidelines on key issues . "Bayit Yehudi is not looking for jobs or comfy seats in the cabinet . Bayit Yehudi will not be bought . Bayit Yehudi has a clear platform and the issues, not the jobs are what matter . "Livni had a joint press conference with Prime Minister Netanyahu in which she was given the judicial ministry and she was given the environmental ministry . We did not hear anything about the budget of how much money is going to those ministries . We don't know what the government guidelines are going to be on those issues that are very important for those type of ministries . All we know is that she got a bunch of portfolios . "This is the way that Prime Minister Netanyahu has operated in the past, but he has to understand that if he wants the Bayit Yehudi in his coalition we need to talk about the issues not about the portfolios. And if he is able to do that Bayit Yehudi will be in the coalition as the party leader Naftali Bennett has said within 24 hours . The ball is in Netanyahu's court . "