Police have reportedly arrested the Jewish two youths who were badly beaten by illegal workers ten days ago in a southern Tel Aviv neighborhood. One of the two youths got out of their car when they saw two workers following a woman, and offered the woman a ride. Chen Yadegar, a friend of the youths, who all attend the same high school in Tel Aviv, told Arutz Sheva that at that point, two other foreign workers materialized, and all four threatened they would “rip his eyes out,” and even kill him, if he “interfered,” Chen said. The youth's friend got out of the car as well. At that point the foreign workers attacked them, using chains, bricks and rocks. The girl who was being followed managed to escape, Chen said. The youths were able to escape and get back into their vehicle, and drove to a nearby hospital. One required extensive stitches on his skull, while the other was treated for numerous body injuries. “Thank G-d they got away,” Yadegar said. “Otherwise they would surely have been killed. It's shocking that something like this could happen in Tel Aviv,” she added. Yadegar confirmed Wednesday that her two friends have been arrested, on suspicion that they themselves assaulted the workers. Police national spokesman Micky Rosenfeld confirmed that the youths were under arrest. "The two teenagers made an official complaint to the Tel Aviv District last Saturday," he told Arutz Sheva . "They complained that they had been attacked by foreign workers, because the foreigners hated Israelis. After they were questioned in further detail about what had taken place, the picture changed and it became clear that the opposite was true: it was they who used to walk around different areas looking for foreign workers to attack. We conducted searches of their homes and found baseball bats and brass knuckles. Both will appear before a Magistrates' Court judge on Friday." Rosenfeld said that the investigation is ongoing and the youths will be questioned regarding other incidents as well. He was not aware of any testimony against the youths by African workers or eyewitnesses. The accompanying photos were taken by one of the youths, Itamar Cohen.