Gaza terrorists fired a rocket at Israel on Wednesday but it apparently fell short of its mark, exploding inside the Hamas-enclave of Gaza. The 'code red' siren was sounded in the Ashkelon Coast Council area; however reports of explosions or damage in Israel have not been received, with indications being that the lethal projectile never made it over into Israel. Reports of damage in Gaza have yet to be received. The newest rocket attack comes on the heels of an incident Wednesday morning, when terrorists in Gaza shot at IDF soldiers near the Israeli "kibbutz"-type community of Kissufim, close to the security fence with Gaza. No soldiers were injured from the shots, and in response they fired in the air. The attack took place near the road leading from Kissufim checkpoint into Gaza, which used to lead to the Jewish community of Gush Katif before the 2005 "Disengagement" expelled all Jews from Gaza. Last Thursday, Arab snipers in Gaza shot at IDF civilian workers working near the security fence. None were injured in the attack, although engineering equipment was damaged by the gunfire. Missile attacks from Gaza have been heating up since last month, when terrorists showered Israel with a barrage of over 100 rockets in three days.