A flag of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), which has never renounced terrorism, has reportedly been flown for the past several weeks at a public school in Jerusalem's Old City.
Jewish residents of the Old City say they have petitioned the Municipality several times to take action about the flag, which the "Khalil Sakakini" school has been flying for weeks, but that the flag remains untouched, reported Yedioth Ahronoth on Friday.
"Khalil Sakakini" is a public middle school for Arab girls, which is located near Herod's Gate on the north face of the Old City walls, and which receives public funds as a state school.
It is worth noting that Article 33 of the PLO 1968 Charter states that the establishment of Israel is illegal and void, and vows armed resistance until "Palestine" is liberated.
In response, the Municipality claimed the flag had been removed, despite residents' claims to the contrary.
"The flag was placed there by unknown people. Immediately after the request by the school management to the Jerusalem Educational Administration last week, the matter was dealt with, and with the help of police the flag was removed the same day. The Municipality will continue to track so that the flag isn't placed there again," read a statement from the Municipality.
The Municipality was accused of turning Jerusalem into "Damascus" in early April, when public signs painted by the Municipality were initially written in Arabic only, against national law which requires official signs to include Hebrew, the official language.
Terrorism flapping over Jerusalem
The issue of terrorist flags in Jerusalem's Old City appears to be quickly becoming something of an epidemic.
At an Arab wedding procession last Thursday night in the Old City, which was given permission by the Israeli police, participants waved the flags of terrorist organizations including Hezbollah, Al Qaeda, Hamas and the PLO. The participants chanted "even with the rifle, the ('Palestinian') nation will live and will not die," and "we will write on the pistol: Al-Aqsa (Jerusalem) is holy to us."
Reportedly the incident is not a lone phenomenon, and indeed such Arab processions in the Old City against Jews have occurred several times in recent weeks, right near the Salah A-din police station.
Last week a security guard near Herod's Gate where the school is located was reportedly injured after local Arabs threw stones and fireworks at him.