European diplomats threatened to issue a travel ban against Jewish residents of Judea and Samaria with any criminal history on Tuesday, but according to Attorney Itamar Ben-Gvir who has successfully defended many "price tag" vandalism suspects in court, they aren't interested in traveling to Europe anyway. "I'm sorry to disappoint the European Council members, but 'hilltop youth' and most of those accused of 'price tag' are not flying for vacations in Switzerland or Germany, and therefore this is not an effective initiative," said Ben-Gvir ironically. "Beyond that, this is an initiative that illustrates anti-Semitism ," continued Ben-Gvir. "Are Hamas terrorists also included in the black list? Are murderers from Syria included in the list?" According to the attorney, the initiative "contradicts international law and breaches human rights, and I have no doubt that if we petition it our petition will be upheld, but as I said the initiative isn't practical. European Council members are disconnected from reality." European diplomats told Reuters on Tuesday that they are "frustrated" at Israel's resistance to their attempts to foist on it their vision of a Palestinian state in Judea and Samaria, and therefore are considering various ways to wage diplomatic warfare on the Jewish state. Regarding the travel ban, one official was quoted saying "t he paperwork has been done but it is frozen for now. It is basically a blacklist of violent settlers who have been accused of or convicted of crimes. It would prevent them from traveling to Europe." The move is estimated as affecting roughly 100 to 200 people, but may face extra legal complications in the EU given that some of those affected hold European passports. Another move being weighed is the subversion of free-trade agreements between Israel and the EU, by which the EU may target Israeli banks that do business over the 1949 Armistice lines.