Fifteen illegal Muslim immigrants from Africa were arrested in Italy on Thursday after reportedly throwing 12 Christian passengers overboard into the Mediterranean Sea. Witnesses saw the Muslim immigrants throw the passengers into the sea after a brawl on a boat of immigrants to Italy, and after police in Italy were informed the offenders were arrested, reports Sky News . The report didn't specify the fate of the 12 Christians, who presumably were pulled back on board. There has been a huge influx in illegal immigrants since last Friday, with 10,000 flooding the country while another 400 drowned in a shipwreck off Libya. Italy has asked other EU states to help it deal with the wave of illegal immmigrants. "Ninety percent of the cost of the patrol and sea rescue operations are falling on our shoulders, and we have not had an adequate response from the EU," complained Foreign Minister Paolo Gentiloni. Gentiloni told Corriere della Sera that the EU only gives three million euros ($3.2 million) a month to the Operation Triton sea patrols. "And then there is the difficult issue of knowing where to send those rescued at sea - to the nearest port? To the country where their boat came from? The EU has to respond clearly to these questions," said Gentiloni. In order to stem the tide of illegal immigrants, Gentiloni urged the EU to address the reasons causing people to flee "Syria, the Horn of Africa and central Africa, to come to Europe."