A media gag order was lifted on Thursday revealing that southern district police last month arrested a female Arab terrorist who held Israeli citizenship. The woman, named as 40-year-old Nasreen Hassan Abdallah Hassan, originally from Haifa, is married to an Arab from Gaza, where she has been living in recent years. In her interrogation by the Israel Security Agency (ISA, or Shabak), it was learned that she was recruited into terrorist activity by the "Battalions of Holy Warriors" – a group that has carried out several terror attacks against Israel in recent years, including firing rockets at the Jewish state. In addition, the interrogation turned up that she had been recruited for terror activity inside Israel, due to the fact that she is an Israeli citizen who enjoys freedom of movement inside the country, and can enter or leave it freely. On two different occasions while she was in Israel, in January and July of 2014, after receiving instructions from her handler in the Gaza-based terror organization, she collected intelligence information about government structures and infrastructure in the Haifa area, including the Port of Haifa, a train station, the Interior Ministry offices, a court building and a synagogue, including security arrangements at these locations. Upon returning to Gaza, she passed on this information to the terror organization, knowing full well that the information would serve toward carrying out terror operations. In addition, she was asked to carry out actual terror operations in Israel on behalf of the organization, and underwent training in preparing an explosive device. On instructions from her handlers, Hassan also approached several other Israeli citizens in order to recruit them to carry out terror activities. She was not able to successfully recruit anyone before her arrest. The ISA noted that the activity is especially grave seeing as it was carried out by an Israeli citizen, who became connected to a terror organization inside Gaza and assisted it in its efforts to carry out terror attacks inside Israel, while making cynical use of her Israeli citizenship. Charges were filed against Hassan Thursday at the Be'er Sheva District Court.