After thwarting a terror stabbing on Sunday morning, former Samaria Regional Council head Gershon Mesika has found himself the target of Palestinian incitement on social media. A female Palestinian terrorist attempted to stab pedestrians at Brigade Square in Samaria on Sunday morning when Mesika, who lives in Elon Moreh close to the intersection, plowed his car into her. Soldiers on duty then shot the terrorist, killing her on-site. In a picture Fatah posted on Twitter, Mesika is shown with a target over his head. Alongside the picture is the caption, "The criminal Gershon Mesika who ran over a Palestinian girl at the Hawara checkpoint south of Nablus." The photo quickly circulated with one user re-tweeting it, writing Mesika was a "child killer." Mesika has filed a complaint with the Israel Police following the online threats against him. Yossi Dagan, current head of the Samaria Regional Council, also contacted Samaria District Police Commander, Shimon Bohbout, demanding the threats be taken seriously. "Israel cannot continue conducting itself like an ostrich. Especially on this day, when a citizen who risked his life to save another man from certain attack is receiving threats to his life from Fatah, which acts in full coordination with the Palestinian Authority," Dagan charged. "The same authority which enjoys Israeli taxpayers' money," he continued. "The same authority which uses those funds to finance incitement in Palestinian schools, media and mosques." "It's time the ostrich takes its head out of the sand and look squarely at what sources of terror it is participating in and what terror it is financing," Dagan concluded.