Sarah-Tehiya Litman had to postpone her wedding after her father and brother were murdered in a drive-by shooting near Hevron almost two weeks ago, but on Thursday night she and her fiance Ariel Beigel went from tears to joy as they got married in Jerusalem. The couple were married at Binyanei Hauma in the capital, at an event they invited the general public to attend at 10:30 p.m. Aside from those attending, yet others are donating to help , and Jews have arrived from as far as the US and Canada to take part in the mitzvah (commandment) to bring joy to the bride and groom. Litman's father, Rabbi Ya'akov Litman, and her brother Netanel Litman, were gunned down by an Arab terrorist as they made their way to a Shabbat Hatan – the Sabbath celebration for the groom before a wedding – at Beigel's home. Rabbi Ya'akov Shapira, dean of Merkaz Harav Yeshiva in Jerusalem, managed the wedding ceremony. The traditional sheva brachot - a set of seven blessings said at the marriage - were said by the bride's two grandfathers, Ashkenazic Chief Rabbi David Lau, Jerusalem Chief Rabbi Shlomo Amar, Rabbi Chaim Druckman, and former Hevron Chief Rabbi Dov Lior. At around 9:30 p.m., Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu's wife Sarah arrived at the wedding to show her support. Earlier hundreds of Magen David Adom (MDA) volunteers arrived to cheer the new couple. Just after Sarah Netanyahu arrived, Hassidic music star Avraham Fried made a surprise appearance, performing to bring joy to the couple. Shortly after the wedding ceremony, Sarah-Tehiya and Ariel thanked the public that arrived to help them celebrate. "Up until two weeks ago no one knew or was interested in me and Ariel, and then in one moment on Friday at the peak of preparations dad and my brother were murdered by a cruel terrorist," said Sarah-Tehiya. "There isn't a moment that I don't miss Netanel's smile, or father's humility and modesty, and that will always accompany me," she said. "But precisely from the pain in the month of courage before Hanukkah we will, together with all the nation of Israel, spread a great light of joy, giving and love that the nation of Israel has inundated upon us." Hadas Parush/Flash 90