Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan is at it again. On Wednesday, the Islamist leader expressed his personal support and his country's support for the Palestinian issue and for "the struggle of the Palestinian people against injustice, destruction and the Israeli occupation," as he put it.
This message was passed on Erdogan’s behalf by the Turkish deputy foreign minister, Naci Koru, during a rally in support of the Palestinian Arabs which was held in Ankara.
Erdogan, in his message, noted that "the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is the most serious obstacle to the achievement of stability and peace in the Middle East. The Israelis established their state of occupation in 1948, depriving the Palestinian people of their right to establish their independent state."
"It is impossible to reach a just and comprehensive peace to the Palestinian problem as long as this historical injustice is not repaired," said the Turkish president, who added that his country is fully supportive of the Palestinians.
The remarks are not surprising, given that Erdogan has never stopped his verbal attacks and incitement against Israel, even after Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu’s apology for the 2010 Mavi Marmara incident.
Erdogan’s most recent attack on Israel came last week, when he praised the latest Palestinian terror wave against Israel as a “noble fight” by the Palestinians.
But despite his ongoing incitement against Israelis, Erdogan earlier this week claimed in a conversation with an Israeli radio station that he thinks it would be possible to repair the strained ties between his country and Israel, in light of the events in the region.