Judea and Samaria regional council heads conducted a tour on Thursday of the E1 area of Israel together with lobbyists and called for the next phase in the fight against the construction freeze. "I see the visit as an opportunity to connect Knesset members to the area so they can see the problems from our perspective which we feel are important on a national level, specifically, the illegal construction by Arabs and construction freeze placed upon the Jews," said Avi Roeh, chairman of the Yesha Council and head of the Binyamin Regional Council. '"I hope that things here will be translated into action and decision making." Roeh and the other council heads of Judea and Samaria believe in using a “construct and vote” method, meaning support for coalition in exchange for building rights. "We have a national responsibility. The construction freeze must cease to be a threat and we must not be afraid of it. The Prime Minister and Ministers must take action and demonstrate that the Prime Minister must make decisions even if they are extremely complex. This is the future of Israel and the Land of Israel". Shay Alon, Mayor of Beit El, said to Artuz Sheva during the tour, "You cannot just talk. MKs have to come and draw their red lines. Sovereignty over Judea and Samaria is a red line. Illegal construction by Arabs that is mainly financed by the European Union is another red line. Unfortunately this is still not happening and there is only talk." Alon also believes that the only real threats by MKs towards the Prime Minister will be a catalyst to get the issue to be highlighted. "We know the Prime Minister and it is enough that one of the group members here this morning decides not to vote, and no government.” "Netanyahu understands that type of language and maybe he wants to be forced to build in Judea and Samaria. Eventually, sovereignty over Judea and Samaria is going to be the determining factor in what causes the current situation to change. Everything else is just window dressings.”