A follow-up report on Channel 2 TV Monday showed a cash link between Ezra Nawi, the radical leftist from the NGO called Ta'ayush, who boasted on hidden camera that he informs to the Palestinian Authority on Arabs who seek to sell land to Jews, and other leftist groups. The latest hidden camera footage showed Nawi receiving both cash and checks from Breaking the Silence – a group that spreads unfounded stories about alleged Israeli war crimes to foreign audiences. The money – one for NIS 1,400 and another for "over NIS 2,000," in his words – was intended for him and for another radical activist, Guy Botavia. Nawi received another check, for the sum of NIS 1,300, from Rabbis for Human Rights, in October of 2014. Rabbis for Human Rights told Channel 2 that the payment was for transportation services and also for accompanying lawyers on tours. It added that all cooperation with Nawi has been discontinued since the damaging revelations against him last week. More hidden camera footage shows Nawi writing checks for amounts of NIS 500, 750 and "1,000 dollars," in his words, to Arabs, in return for their participation in demonstrations against the IDF. Asked for their reaction to the footage, Breaking the Silence appeared to lose its professional cool and said: "We do not work for the STASI and do not respond to the STASI. Those who want a Soviet style police state can enjoy themselves." Nawi is also a convicted pedophile.