The latest installation in a series of videos produced by nationalists who volunteered undercover in radical leftist organizations centers on the bombshell revelation that two of the groups – Ta'ayush and Rabbis for Human Rights – are apparently running a sophisticated scam and tricking their own US-based donors. In conversations recorded on hidden camera by the undercover agents from nationalist group Ad Kan, activists from Ta'ayush said that the group – which carries out provocative activities in the south Hevron area in direct confrontation with IDF soldiers – receives assistance from Rabbis for Human Rights for its nefarious activities. However, the activists explained that the donors for Rabbis for Human Rights do not know, and must not know, where their money is really going. The short video, embedded above, shows the Ta'ayush activists with the infamous convicted pedophile Ezra Nawi at their helm, confronting and abusing IDF soldiers. A 'delicate' connection A Ta'ayush activist is then seen explaining: "We work very closely in some of the cases here with the legal department of Rabbis for Human Rights… There are several instances in which we work in cooperation… where we are like the field agents for Rabbis [for Human Rights]…" The activist makes clear that Rabbis for Human Rights enjoy large scale support from US donors who would not support Ta'ayush and therefore must not know that the two groups are connected: "[They have] a huge amount of donors from Jewish congregations in the US," he says. "That's why their connection to us is, like… delicate… So they [Rabbis for Human Rights] know about it, but the donors are not supposed to know about it." Yehiel Grenimann, Director of the Human Rights Department in Rabbis for Human Rights, is also seen saying: "We work with Ta'ayush in southern Mount Hevron… our legal team works along with them." A veritable Gandhi The video begins by showing Ta'ayush carrying out provocative confrontations with IDF soldiers. "You are trespassing, breaking the law and harassing," one of them shouts at soldiers. "Shame on you! You are a bunch of criminals!" says another, and Nawi instructs the activists to "keep the soldiers busy." Ad Kan's video says that while ultra-leftist groups pretend to work for peace and coexistence, they actually do the opposite, by stoking the conflict between the sides. An earlier video by Ad Kan showed Nawi boasting that when Arabs approach him seeking to sell land to Jews, he turns them in to the Palestinian Authority, where they are tortured and murdered. The Rabbis for Human Rights website boasts that in 2006, the group was awarded the prestigious Niwano Peace Prize "for its efforts to promote peace in an interfaith context," and that in 2011, the Gandhi Peace Award honored RHR’s Rabbi Arik Ascherman & Rabbi Ehud Bandel. The activities of Ta'ayush are less than peaceful, as the video shows. Previous Ad Kan investigative videos showed that Breaking the Silence also pays Nawi money for services rendered, whereas Rabbis for Human Rights paid Nawi for "transportation." After the Ad Kan video was aired on Channel 2 , Rabbis for Human Rights announced that it would no longer be working with Nawi, and claimed not to have known about Nawi's activities, as revealed in the report.