The terror attack near Ma'ale Shomron which severely injured 11-year-old Ayala Shapira in 2014 could have been prevented if the car leasing company had allowed her family to buy reinforced windows for their leased car. According to the leasing companies, the process of reinforcing vehicles lowers their value on the market. However, after the terror attack which injured Shapira, MK Motti Yogev (Jewish Home) turned to the Knesset's Subcommittee for Judea and Samaria and the Transportation Ministry and requested they find a way to allow families using leased cars to reinforce their windows and windshields and protect their families. Yogev organized a meeting, which was attended by Car Leasing Union director, as well as representatives from the Defense Ministry and Transportation Ministry. This week, the Transportation Ministry arrived at an agreement with the car leasing companies. The new forms for leasing cars will allow families to reinforce their windshields and windows. Israelis who lease cars can download the appropriate forms from the Transportation Ministry's website and begin the process of reinforcing their vehicles against rocks and firebombs. "This is lifesaving," Yogev said. "If this bill had been passed a few years ago, it would have saved the Shapira family a lot of heartache." "I thank the Transportation Ministry for working with us on the issue and for its success in reaching an agreement with the companies. "It's important to remember that this does not mean we don't have to take terror seriously. Terrorists are trying to expel us from our land. We must fight terror determinedly, but we must also protect the residents of Judea and Samaria."