Hevron residents celebrate Purim
Hevron residents celebrate PurimYonatan Sindel/Flash 90

The far-left 'Rabbis for Human Rights' organization appealed to IDF Central Command Chief Roni Numa and asked him to cancel Hevron's annual Purim parade through the city center. Numa had rejected a similar letter the organization had sent in December.

According to the missive, the allegedly anti-Islamic costumes worn by the revelers "humiliated the local population" and accused Hevron's Jewish residents of using the holiday to promote stereotypes and to incite against the local Arab population.

"Our organization is deeply concerned by the incitement being carried out in the name of the Jewish religion, in the Purim parade in the heart of Hevron," wrote the organization.

"Allowing the settlers to continue with their incitement against humiliation of [local Arabs] is a misuse of your authority and constitutes extreme and disproportionate discrimination," the letter concluded.

Attorney Itamar Ben-Gvir, a Hevron resident, blasted Rabbi for Human Rights and accused it of discriminating against Jews. "It is amazing to see once again that the biggest opponents of free speech are the extreme leftists who are willing to defend every [offensive] expression by the Arabs. Suddenly, when it comes to Judea and Samaria's [Jewish] residents, they want to censor us and nullify our right to free expression".

Israeli cities commonly hold an annual Purim parade titled 'Adeloyada' and Hevron's Jewish community have been forced to deal with yearly petitions from various leftist groups which seek to limit its procession over alleged concerns for the local Arab population.