Liebke Schaffer, who was killed in the battles of Yad Mordechai during the War of Independence and whose burial place was unknown, was finally located after 70 years. Schaffer fell during the battles to defend her kibbutz from Egyptian assault and shelling on the night of May 23-24,1948, a few days after the declaration of the establishment of the state of Israel. Schaffer was born in Poland in 1914. After immigrating to Israel, she joined Kibbutz Yad Mordechai group and was one of its defenders during the War of Independence, during which she served as a liaison between the various positions. Schaffer was killed by an Egyptian bombardment while rescuing a wounded man, together with kibbutz member Private Yitzhak Rubinstein. In the course of the incident, Private Binyamin Eisenberg and Private Yitzhak Rubinstein were killed, and a monument was erected in the Yad Mordechai military cemetery. However, Schaffer's burial place remained unknown. Her grave was finally located after an intensive investigation by the branch for locating missing persons in the IDF casualties department. Lt. Col. Nir Yisraeli, head of the branch for missing persons, said that "locating missing people in the past is not a trivial task, but the branch is required to show initiative, commitment to the mission and professionalism. [The branch's workers] come from many different fields of knowledge. As for proper burial, it is the IDF's obligation to the fallen and their families." "Every investigation that comes to an end is very important for the family, for the personnel in the industry and for the IDF in general, and it gives us the strength to move on, to work and investigate tirelessly, to close the investigations of as many dead as possible, , Described an Israeli. In the coming weeks, the circle will be closed after 70 years and Liebke Schaffer's name will be added to the mass grave at Kibbutz Nitzanim.