Thousands of Breslov hasidim who purchased tickets to Uman suffered losses after the travel agency informed them that the agent had disappeared with their cash. The travel agency, Europnim, had previously offered reduced prices to Uman, Ukraine, over the Jewish New Year. According to Kikar Hashabbat , the number of passengers affected stands at 2,000. Europnim representative Aharon Gartenheuz told Kikar Hashabbat that "the moment we found out, the company told its customers about the issue. Currently, we are clarifying matters with Breslov businessmen." "A complaint has been submitted to the police, and we have opened a special center to deal with the issue. Anyone who has experience in this area is asked to contact us." Gartenheuz explained that Europnim had signed an agreement with a third party, who would manage negotiations between Europnim and the airlines. However, not all the plane tickets were purchased, and some of the money was pocketed by the third party, who claims he transferred it to the airlines. The flights do exist, he emphasized, and Europnim is currently investigating the options available.