Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah delivered a vigorous and defiant speech against Israel on the occasion of the Shi'ite holiday of Ashura, claiming that contrary to Israel's claims, he delivers his speeches openly and not in a bomb shelter. "They laugh at me and say I threaten from a shelter. Of course I'm not in a shelter. I'm in a certain place, and the fact that I'm speaking here proves that you try to kill me day and night, and only fail," Nasrallah said, but without disclosing his location. Nasrallah blamed Israel and said its illusions that events in Syria and Iraq would work in its favor proved false: "The Israelis are angry and worried their plot has failed; they've pinned hopes on what happened in Syria and Iraq, but all these illusions have been shattered. "People who were outside the conflict with Israel are now part of it; Israel is afraid of any war, they understand that the war against us will have many ramifications in the region," he added. Nasrallah also referred to Israeli attacks in Syria aimed at halting arms transfers, "I tell Israel - watch out, everything you've done so far is over; we have accurate and inaccurate missiles and other means," he said.